Technical Expert

Fred Retes

Fred is Alicia Retes’s brother and shares the same Mayo and Yaqui roots. He is a writer and actor who has appeared on stage, film, and television. He has also voiced theatrical narration, animation, and commercials. Fred spent the first years of his life growing up in Huatabampo, Sonora, Mexico, a Mayo Ceremonial Town. He has always had an interest and connection with indigenous folk. One of his fond memories is working alongside Mayo and Yaqui ranch hands on the family-owned ranch speaking a combination of Mayo, Yaqui, Spanish, and English. They would go hunting and fishing together and share in ceremonial activities. He remembers playing chess with his Mayo Yaqui Abuelo (Grandfather) who shared with him stories of his life including events he went through during the revolution. (Abuelo had two fingers of his hand shot off escaping from the Mexican army!) Fred lived in Tikal, Guatemala working as a tour guide for the pyramids and has explored many indigenous historical sites throughout Mexico including the ancient pyramids and the Pyramid of the Sun.

Fred Retes Bodyshot Image

Fred’s Project