Riveting River Productions for Writers

For Writers


Breaking into the entertainment industry as a screenwriter is no easy task. Creating an original and outstanding screenplay is imperative. Still, it takes much more than an entertaining script to engage with a studio, have a project reviewed, and be green-lighted for production. Riveting River offers a unique service to screenwriters ready to undertake the challenging journey to financial rewards and critical acclaim for their project. We work side-by-side with both unknown and accomplished screenwriters to get their script on the air or streaming and to advise on how to receive favorable terms and compensation for their hard work. Our goal is to become a trusted partner with the screenwriter within an industry known for being exceedingly difficult to navigate while avoiding drowning in a sea of rejection.

Our extensive set of skills is what makes us stand out. There are four areas of service that Riveting River provides to writers.

Riveting River Productions Screenwriting


For Writers

There is a fundamental difference between writing a novel for an audience of readers vs. crafting a screenplay to be consumed by viewers. + More

Riveting River Productions Coverage


For Writers

Coverage is an objective review of a screenplay to determine its merit and comment on what it needs to improve. + More

Riveting River Productions Management


For Writers

An entertainment manager can be of great value to a writer, especially those new to the industry. + More

Riveting River Productions Producing


For Writers

After the hard work of receiving a high rating from coverage, often involving numerous rewrites, what comes next? + More


Our Script Review Team is dedicated to helping you succeed with your screenplay. Each member draws upon their writing skills and experience to review your script and prepare it for coverage. Once the coverage comes back, they will go over the results with you and, if necessary, help you with a rewrite. The goal is to elevate your screenplay to garner enough attention to be green-lighted by a production studio. The best-of-the-best projects may receive Riveting River’s offer to have a bible created and then be placed into its portfolio. Our Script Review Team consists of a terrific group of people.

Michael Malone Creative Director

Michael S. Malone

Creative Director

Julie Jervis Script Director

Julie Jervis

Script Director

Kat McDonald Development Manager

Kat McDonald

Script Development Manager

Mea Siegel Script Development Manager

Mea Siegel

Script Development Manager

Natasha Alston Script Development Manager

Natasha Alston

Script Development Manager

Ryan Merriweather Script Development Manager

Ryan Merriweather

Script Development Manager

Jeanne Schieffer Script Review Manager

Jeanne Schieffer

Script Review Manager

Pad in the Pond Program graphic


Riveting River has mentoring, scholarship, and intern programs to help out new and aspiring writers. We recognize that this is a challenging and demanding profession that can overwhelm even the best of writers. We also appreciate that costs can add up quickly when seeking professional help and feedback. Applicants may apply for assistance with their screenwriting through our:

  • Mentoring: We will assign a skilled writer to assist and advise on the development of your script.
  • Scholarships: We can defray or discount the costs of coverage and related services.
  • Internships: Each summer, we sponsor young people as they work their way up the the entertainment ladder.


We are always looking to add the best-of-the-best screenplays to our portfolio. If accepted, we offer a shopping agreement to take it around to studios to see if it can be produced. You still retain your rights as the owner of the screenplay; Riveting River simply has the right to show it to potential studios. Because studios are inundated with dozens or even hundreds of scripts submitted every day, we have to be very selective in the ones we add to our portfolio to shop. It will take a lot of dedication and hard work on your part to have your script included in our portfolio, but we are here to help.

Riveting River Script Acceptance Process

Riveting River Script Flow Process


The first step to having your screenplay possibly accepted into our portfolio is to submit it for an Initial Review (A). There is a nominal fee for our Script Review team to read and evaluate your script for potential. If we believe the script is strong enough in premise, dialogue, structure, characterization, originality, and commercial viability, we will move it forward. You will receive a one-page document with feedback and an “Accept or “Reject.”

If your project is Rejected, you may wish to do a significant rewrite and try again (B). Or you may wish to write another screenplay. But if your project is Accepted, you may proceed with Refinement (C & D) and/or Coverage (E). Our objective is to work with you (the writer) to prepare the script to receive a high score from Coverage, which is required to be added to our portfolio. We look forward to reading your screenplay!

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